ACBL Unit 430 Home Page
Unit 430

The Next MUG is Sunday Oct.20, 1pm, at GVBC: Burnaby Lake Clubhouse (Rugby Club)
The Next MUG is Sunday Oct.20, 1pm, at GVBC: Burnaby Lake Clubhouse (Rugby Club): 3760 Sperling Avenue in Burnaby.
Please note that, for the time being, this game, and future MUGs, will be pairs.
The MUG is usually one of the strongest games of the month. Hope to see you there!

Check the VBC website, and ACBL Live, for results from recent games. For more historical information, go here.

Oct. 22: fundraising to help support African grandmothers
West Van Gogos is a group of North Shore women who are fundraising to help support African grandmothers struggling to raise their orphaned grandchildren.
Come and have some fun at this bridge and scrabble luncheon!
Tuesday, October 22th, 2024, 10:00am – 2:00pm
Gloria Dei Church 1110 Gladwin Drive, North Vancouver
We are accepting single players for bridge and scrabble and can match you up if you can't get a table of 4. Cost is $40 per person. It was very successful last year and we hope for the same this year.
Register with Arlene Watson at 236-991-4404 or

This year we have gourmet sandwiches( crusts removed) and wonderful bakery items. Fruit and vegetable plates and other goodies.
* We have a silent auction with some great items to bid on for early holiday shopping
* door prizes.
* a book/puzzle/card/ sale and some other items at unbelievable prices .
* Please bring cash if you can, although we do accept credit cards..

Partnership Desk open for the Round Up Sectional: Nov.9-11 (Sat.-Mon.)
The Round Up Sectional is Nov.9-11, Sat/Sun/Mon., at the Engineers Hall in Burnaby: 4333 Ledger Ave. To see the tournament flyer, go to "Tournaments" then "Sectionals", or click here.

Here's the link to the Partnership Desk for the Sectional. Please make sure you keep your entry up-to-date and remove once you find a partner. Any problems using the Partnership Desk? E-mail Stuart for help.
If you are not an ACBL member, you can get a free temporary guest membership, by going here.

Mentor Mentee game on Nov.23: Sat., 10am - 2pm, at GVBC in Burnaby
A Mentor Mentee game is coming on Nov.23: Sat., 10am - 2pm, at the Greater Vancouver Bridge Club (located at the Burnaby Lake Rugby Club, 3760 Sperling Ave, in Burnaby).
This is a tremendous opportunity for newer players, wishing to improve their game, to "play up" with an experienced player. This is an equally wonderful opportunity for experienced players to give back to this wonderful game of ours (and help encourage the next generation of bridge players!) Register early - this is always popular and always fills up quickly.
Registration will open October 26 and close November 17, 2024.
Partnerships will be accepted on day of event. Singles will also be accepted on day of event. However, we do not guarantee a partner will be available.
Free parking is available.
If you have arranged a partnership, both players must register separately naming their partner on the website. Mentees must have less than 500 masterpoints and must not be a lifemaster. Players must play either SAYC or 2 over 1. Scoring will be stratified.

Mentees will be charged $15. Mentors will not be charged Mentees and Mentors without registered partners will be matched after registration closes and partnerships will be notified by email by November 20, 2024.
Light refreshments, tea, and coffee will be served.
For more information or questions, please contact Judy Chang ( or Mojgan Shad (

Shelley's Bridge Club: Learn Bridge online Oct/Nov.
Beginners - proper Play techniques
Thursdays 4:00-5:30
Oct 3 to Nov 21 (try Oct 3 for free)

Intermediate - Conventions used in Competition
Tuesdays 4:00-5:30
Oct 1 to Nov 26

All lessons are recorded for later viewing, so don't worry about missing a lesson. I am also happy to spend time catching people up, so that the class stays together.
Contact Shelley Burns at
Cell (604)603-0930

Unit Board Adopts Policy on how Cheating affects Entitlement to Awards and Trophies
At the May, 2021 Unit Board Meeting, the following Policy was adopted:
Unit 430 Policy - Player Expelled or on Probation or Suspension
1. Definitions
1.1 For the purposes of this Policy, a player is deemed to be not in good standing if the player is, with respect to the ACBL or ACBL events,
(a) expelled from the ACBL,
(b) serving a term of suspension,
(c) serving indefinite probation,
(d) serving a term of probation the initial term of which was twenty-four or more months or serving a term of probation following a suspension, the initial term of which was in excess of ninety days.
2. Eligibility for Subsidy, Award or Trophy
2.1 A player who is not in good standing during any part of a calendar year is not eligible for any subsidy, award, trophy or other entitlement provided by Unit 430 for that calendar year (the “Period of Ineligibility”).
2.2 The Unit Board may, by a two-thirds majority vote, in its unfettered discretion, extend the Period of Ineligibility to include additional time before or after the Period of Ineligibility if the reason the player is not in good standing is related to, or connected with, a time before or after the expulsion, suspension or probation is in effect.
2.3 For example,
(a) if a player is not in good standing because of a finding of cheating that occurred before the expulsion, suspension or probation commenced, then the Unit Board may include the time in the Period of Ineligibility during which it was found that the cheating took place or, on the balance of probabilities, was likely to have taken place, and
(b) if a subsidy, award, trophy or other entitlement is provided in a calendar year or years that commences after the Period of Ineligibility expires, but relates to matters occurring during the Period of Ineligibility, then the Unit Board may include all or part of that following calendar year or years in the Period of Ineligibility.

Scores for the West Vancouver Senior Centre
Unit 430 is happy to help ACBL and non-ACBL clubs, by posting scores on our website. Please contact Tom (text 604-987-6001, or email at, if you would like us to post your club scores here (or to let us know if there are other ways we can help support your game!)

If you are looking for more bridge games on the North Shore, here are the websites for some (non-ACBL) clubs offering duplicate(for ACBL clubs, go here):
Silver Harbour
Delbrook Community Centre
Park Gate Community Centre

A. West Vancouver Senior Community Centre Duplicate scores
No session on October 9th, we look forward to seeing everyone again on the 16th
October 2nd Scores.Congratulations Shahla Keshvarz & Shahnaz Sabet on your 75.56% game!
September 25th Scores.
September 18th Scores. Congratulations to Judy Nylander and Judy Langstaff - a 71.67% game!
September 11th Scores.
September 04th Scores. Congratulations to Shahla Keshvarz and Shahnaz Sabet. A 70% score!
August 14 Scores.
August 7 Scores, congratulations to the winners!
July 31st Scores
July 24th Scores Congratulations Shirin and Nicolae for your 77.52 game!
July 17th Scores
July 10th Scores
July 3rd Scores
June 26th Scores
June 19th Scores Happy Summer Solstice and congratulations to Shirin Dhanani - Nicolae Manisali for your 71.43% game. Hand records are now available.
June 12th Scores Congratulations Shahla Keshvarz and Shahnaz Sabet for your 71.83% game.
June 5th Scores Congratulations to Wendy and Winnie - a 70% game!

When we start a new session, everyone needs to be registered with a partner - or you need to contact Tom to see if there is any leeway (basically, if you are registered, and your regular registered partner cannot play, you can invite anyone you like and we will treat that person like your registered partner - we want to make sure you can play!) some people are looking for partners - if you want to be added to the list email Tom.

B. Resources and Bridge Info
Great bridge tips from Ed L'Heureux, a local bridge player and teacher, that will help any player play a better game. (And, if you like those, you have to check out the other materials Ed has posted on the website for the Surrey Duplicate Lite Bridge Club!)
For those who want to learn or brush up their skills using the bridgemates, here's the youtube video tutorial)
Mini-Lesson 8 hand out - Invitational Bids
Mini-Lesson 7 hand out - Cue Bidding for Slam
Mini-Lesson 6 hand out - Defending using the Rule of 40
Mini-Lesson 5 hand out - Upgrades and Downgrades.
Mini-Lesson 4 hand out - Defending based on Dummy Type.
Mini-Lesson 3 hand out - on the cuebid raise.
Mini-Lesson 2 hand out - on Balancing and the Law of Total Tricks.
Mini-Lesson 1 hand out - on competing for the 2 level and balancing.

Calculate a score

Today is 2024-10-15

Planning your future games and tournaments? Here's a listing of events locally and regionally for the next few months.